ProSweet Feeding Syrup
Truck load savings are here!
Prosweet, direct from Mann Lake, is great for spring, summer or fall feeding. It contains both binomial sugar (similar to nectar) and monomial sugar (similar to honey). Bees can use it as needed in the hive or store it right away to increase the colonies weight. Unlike sugar syrup, it stores easily with no fermentation and is ready to use right out of the bucket, no heating or mixing necessary (no more dumping fermented syrup out of your feeder). Unlike HF55, this will not crystalize. It’s very heavy, a 5 gallon bucket is @58lbs so it needs to go in a food grade 90mil bucket, not a 70mil, or the bucket can split. We personally use buckets with a valve on the bottom for easier dispensing and less spilling.
We can also fill your container! Bring something that has a tightly sealed lid, you do not want this to spill in your vehicle!
*Pro Tip- When feeding straight, make sure your feeder has something for the bees to walk on or they will definitely drown in this thick syrup. Hive top feeders work fantastic for this.
TOTES!!!! Because each tote is individually weighed, they are in-store purchase only. Totes have a proximately 200 gallons in them. At a bulk discount price of $.62 per pound, that makes totes approximately $1432.00. Add $100 for a tote if you do not have a clean food grade tote to exchange. These totes have only been used one time. We reserve the right to not accept totes that are in lesser condition.
Syrup, a.k.a. bee feed. Let’s face it, going to the store, buying cart loads of sugar or even pallets is for the birds (if you can find it on the shelf). We decided to take the plunge and buy a semi load of Mann Lakes Prosweet. 51,000 lbs (4,400 glns) worth. Thicker than 2:1, this inverted syrup has so little water in it, it will not ferment.
Quickly add weight to any size colony, especially smaller ones. 1:1 can quickly backfill the brood chamber and without a lot of bees to condense it, the queen can run out of places to lay, reducing your colony size even more. This thick syrup allows them to quickly build up and keeps your queen laying.