3 lb Packaged Bees with Mated Queen


Safely Transport Your Package:

Mesh Bee Saver Bag

*Local Pick up Only* Estimated Pickup Day Sunday April 27th, 2025 (this may change as the season progresses).
We do not ship bees. Follow our FB page for updates!!! We cannot contact each individual person. If you do not use FB,  give us your email, and we will contact you if there’s a change.

3lb packages of live bees WITH a mated queen (but not marked). Italian-Carniolan hybrid bees are great to work with in the apiary. Gentle, they build up fast in the spring for honey production, but slow brood production in the summer, not consuming all of their stores. Queens come un-marked (we sell the marking tools though). A marked queen teaches you to only look for a dot, never developing your queen ID technique. With some practice, you can spots queens quickly and easier (if it was easy, everyone could do it).

Packages come from Wilbanks Apiaries in Georgia. Producers of some of the best packages available on the market, these bees are picked up by us and driven home, monitored the entire way. Packages are collected by beekeepers the next day, meaning they are not in cages for very long before you receive them.
Please be sure to enter the best phone number and email address to reach you at during checkout in case we have any questions or need to reach you. We release updates for delivery info for packages and nucs on our FB page.

*Pro Tip – Feed them sugar water, especially in the beginning. They will draw out comb much, much….. much faster. It takes @8 lbs of capped honey to make 1 lb of wax. Don’t stop feeding until they have all of their brood boxes with comb built and are ready for a honey super.

Weight6 lbs
Dimensions15 × 6 × 12 in
Pick Up Date

March 27 (Sold Out), April 16, April 30