Wax Dipping 1 Item


Pre order Only! It may be a while before we dip again, so call or email if you need this quickly. Check out the wax dipping section to see what we have in stock already!

Wax dipping has been used by commercial beekeepers for 20+ years. While most smaller beekeepers may not be familiar with it, your about to see why it’s the bees knees.

We use a 50/50 blend Paraffin & Microcrystalline heated to 250 deg and the wood is submerged for 15 mins. No beeswax is used.

Our large custom stainless tank built for wax dipping holds several items at once. Unfortunately previously treated, painted or sealed things cannot be dipped because the wax will not penetrate the wood. Items that have been wax dipped can not be painted or sealed at a later date, the paint or sealer will not bond to it.

The benefits are…. never paint your boxes again, this makes them maintenance free, for 15-20 years without every lifting a brush. Any new wooden ware can be dipped. No fumes or toxins in your hive (they do fine with paint too but it is a bonus).

Equipment does not have a waxy feeling. The high heat boils the moisture and air out of the wood and, when the item is removed from the tank, as it cools the wax is absorbed into the wood making it waterproof/weather proof.

Things need to be assembled before they are dipped because glue will not bond to the wax. You may assemble your own boxes and drop them off to be dipped or purchase them already assembled and dipped. We take orders and keep just a few things on hand, or we would have a warehouse full of things, which isn’t cost effective for us.

We are asking $6 per item. Frames do not get dipped. A bottom board, box (any size) lid and, inner cover (if you would like though it’s not necessary) all would be $6 each. We recommend dipping anything that is exposed to weather.

How beneficial is wax dipping? We spent over $4500.00 for this set up including the wax….. it’s worth it. Woodenware prices have shot up so this is great for protecting your investment and time.

Discount for large orders. If you or your club has a lot of equipment you’d like dipped, let us know and we can get a price together for you.

Weight2 lbs
Dimensions1 × 1 × 1 in