Varrox© Oxalic Vaporizer


1 in stock

A heavy duty built Oxalic Acid burner, this model will last you for years. Great for a beekeeper with 10 or more hives, this burner works with a stainless steel pan to evenly heat the oxalic acid. Side “wings” help it remain stable in the hive, preventing it from dumping oxalic acid on the bottom board. Simply place the needed amount of OA into a cool pan (@ 3/4g for a 5F nuc, 1g for an 8/10F brood box 2g for a double deep or 3 mediums) Insert into hive, place a dry rag across the entrance, connect to a 12volt power source (lawn mower, golf cart, vehicle battery or jumper box). In @ 2-3 minutes, as the pan starts to heat up, you begin to see vapors. Let it continue for @2 more minutes, then remove the unit. Leave the rag across the entrance for 10 minutes.

Dunk (yes! Dunk! it can be immersed) into water to cool, remove any unburned residue, then you are ready to treat the next hive. While more efficient than other wand styles thanks to the rapid cooling down, you still have to wait for it to heat back up in-between treatments.  If you’re looking for a faster method, take a look at the ProVap 110.

This treatment can be done throughout the year as long as honey supers are removed prior to treatment. They can be replaced in as little as 15 minutes after completing the treatment. OA only treats mites on the adult bees and open brood, so you must treat through the brood cycle. On average, this is 4 or 5 treatments 5 days apart, although more may be needed. Winter treatments can be done on days above 40 degrees since the bees break cluster enough for the vapor to reach them. One treatment is sufficient in the winter due to the brood break.

If your bottom board is plastic, you may be able to slightly bend the ears on the device to create clearance enough to operate.  Ensure this does not come in direct contact with burr comb on the bottom of your frames.

For instructions, please read page 8 (in English) Varrox Instructions

PPE: Be sure to wear nitrile gloves, a quality respirator and safety glasses.

*We recommend using a Varroa Easy Check for an accurate mite count before and after treating.

*Varroa Mites are a HUGE problem and the #1 natural cause of a colonies mortality. (#1 is actually the beekeeper).  Please research Varroa and understand alllllll of the different treatment options and the mite it’s self by clicking The Honeybee Health Coalition non profit site

Visit the manufactures webpage: Varrox pan


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